i can't figure it out for the life of me,I can change the numbers but it won't save
Also which do you prefer
2800rpm 18 degrees out 1.45 timer orrrrrrr
3000rpm 15 degrees out 1.500 timer
Make the changes. Check the box near the cal name to save it. Then copy it out of the xtune directory onto your flash drive. Then prefix it with the correct prefix. I think it is X1. Then it should work.
Idk about ur truck but mine won't launch with them times. Mine is set at about .5 to .75 of a sec on time at about 2800 at -11 degree for street tires and about the same for drag tire but with 3500 rpm launch
Degrees to be took out is something u would have to play around with same as rpm. I set and practice and try difference combination until I like it then I'll save it to the flash drive. I started at -10 then went up and down from there. My worst problem is the 1st to 2nd gear change its so far apart that 2nd rele drops the rpm down so far its hard to pick up without making a lot of speed from 1st.